Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Lesson Plan.

Since I keep forgetting to post new posts instead of commenting, so you can guys can read it better, I am posting to say I am going to focus on why we recycle which I think fits nicely with who ever is going with what we recycle and having the students present it.

Brynn's Websites.
sorry Brynn, i havn't noticed that you have been commenting on my posts, I've been so used to just making a new one. I focused on recycling methods and having students make their own. hope your enjoying the wedding. and I don' t think you are over thinking it, I like your idea a lot!!

Websites for evaluations.

Has anyone finished this part of the module yet? I believe we are to share our found websites for our evaluations with each other and they have to be different from the ones we used for our lesson plans.
These are the websites that I used for my web evaluation

Saturday, May 28, 2011

lesson plan topic

Okay I just made my lesson plan and I chose to do different recycling methods that each student will have to present to the class.
Hey Guys,

What is everyone's focus for the lesson plan that we have to do? That way we are not all doing the same thing.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Main Project

Rachel, the concept map looks great!  Thanks so much for posting it.  I think that the center of the map is supposed to display what our main final project will be and I was thinking that we could do a recycling workshop for the class.  We could do a set up of three to five stations where the students could create different things to use in the classroom or at home made from recycled materials.  And all the different things that branch off from our main concept could be exactly what Rachel put in our concept map, we could just add a few things.  I was thinking maybe adding doing a compost pile and having a recycling bin at home to the ways to recycle bubble and add another bubble saying "what can be recycled" and have glass, paper, plastic, batteries, and tech equipment like Brynn said branch off of that. We can also add a "where we can recycle" bubble and branch off home, school, and recycling plants off of that.  We can also have a bubble that talks about the three R's, reduce, reuse, recycle and another one I've heard is rethink.  If we decide to do this for our main project we can incorporate writing into it by making a Book of Recycling and take pictures during the workshop of the students doing their activities and then have some students write about what they've learned and what they did.  Another idea is to have the students research and come up with their own ways to recycle and then maybe have a vote for which ideas to use for the workshop.

Concept Map

This is what I have come up with so far. I know we have not decided an an exact approach as far as a project goes so I just put some ideas that I have researched. If either of you would like to add/take away something please do. I also used kidspiration, not inspiration. I'm not sure if it makes a difference if you try to work on it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project Ideas II

Some other ideas that I forgot to mention:

-having students bring their own water bottles to school so they don't have to use the drinking fountain.
-bringing tupper wear for lunches instead of plastic baggies
-having a lunch box as opposed to a paper or plastic bag
-only using one sheet of paper towel after washing hands

just ideas that i have been researching online

Project Ideas II


I have not set up my inspiration trial yet, have you? But I like what you have said so far as far as our map goes. Everything that I have thought of so far for reusing recycled materials is perhaps using magazines that the students have read in the past and maybe do a writing assignment with them. For example cutting out letters and having them create their own sentence so they don't waste paper. I also think that it is very important to explain why we recycle and what items can be recycled and what cannot.

Project Ideas II

I like your idea Rachel.  That would probably be a simpler task than trying to set up a sale.  So we should probably get started on the concept map through inspiration.  Did you want to post the map or would you like me to do it?  What do you think our main project should be?  Did you have ideas on what they could create using the recyclable materials?  On the map we should include introducing what it means to recycle and talk about the three R's. We could also include what materials can be recycled, where recycling takes place, what can be done with recycled material, examples of objects that come from recycled material that we use on an everyday basis, how we can recycle, different forms of recycling like composting, etc. Have you set up your Inspiration trial already?  I know that's a lot of questions, sorry if I overwhelmed you: ).  Let me know what you think!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Project Ideas

Just an idea that I have seen in some of my classes, that goes off what Dr. Peterson mentioned is having the class reuse materials. Using classroom materials and learning to reuse them like soap bottles or hand sanitizers.

Concept Map

I think that is all that we have to do. Just the two maps!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Posting the Concept Map

I have a question regarding the concept map using Inspiration.  So from what I understand, we only need to post the map to our blog twice meaning only two of us out of our group needs to submit the map; one person does the first one that is due this Sunday and the other will do the final map which is due the that correct?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Group Project

Hey Brynn and Rachel.  We should probably start brainstorming ideas for our group project on recycling.  I'm not sure if you want to focus on recycling in one specific form such as paper or plastic or if you want the focus to be on recycling in general.  I'm going to do some research on the internet and try to come up with some fun ideas.  I'd love to hear what ideas you come up with!