Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ok I was confused. Whenever I was trying to access our Blog yesterday through my phone, it wasn't letting me. Now I can see what you have been posting. The website looks great, I cannot access it to edit it and add in my information. Hope we can resolve this, you did a wondeful job so far!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I just made the actual website, I shared it to your email address so text me if you get it. It's a template right now so it has work already done, it's about some teacher, but it can all be edited to all of our stuff. I will be traveling today so for a chunk of the day I will not be around my computer so communicating through text will work better for me.
have your started the website at all yet?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ok I like what you said a lot. I think we can build a good flow because you talked about what you can and cannot recycle and stay on the topic again of why we recycle. People can see what to recycle but then often don't even know why they are doing it.

We have learned we can reduce, reuse, and recycle, and we now know what we can recycle but do we know why we recycle? I think it is fundamental for students to recycle within their school, their community and their homes as well. It is important to know why you are taking part in this important action to save our home the earth.
Recycling saves money, energy, reduces global warming, and reduces air pollution. Those are just some of the reasons why it is so important to recycle. I want to show students the digital story of why we recycle which has strong images in it and then discuss within the class how we plan to change our current habits into earth friendly habits. Such as making sure water is turned all the way off to save energy and taking time to really think about all that we are throwing away. We are going on a virtual field trip to Recycling City, through this field trip, we visit dumptown and watch the citizens turn their city around. We see families like the Savemores teach the community the importance of recycling. I want to students to grasp we have one earth and it is very important for the future of our students that we teach them to take care of our one earth.
Alright this is what I think I am going to say, tell me if you think it needs anything. I mentioned one concept from the book.

Recycling means to convert into reusable material. What I want the students to be aware of is how they can do that within our own classroom, as well as outside the classroom. Recycling has become such an important task amongst our generation and it is important that they students are knowledgeable about what they can do. I explained to the class what materials are recyclable and additionally what materials are not recyclable. Once the students confirmed that they understood what materials could be recycled I then discussed how each of those materials can be categorized. In order to make this topic more interesting for the class I put together multiple levels of discussions from teacher to teacher, student to student, and teacher to student, this way the class has multiple perspectives and insight. While learning about the recycled materials the students will also be informed on why those materials are being recycled and what they can be used for later.

So I just downloaded audacity and the directions that she gave us seem pretty simple I guess. Will have to wait till we are done to be able to determine that though. I thought that I would discuss why I am teaching the students the importance of recycling within the classroom and how I feel that as parents they too should try to influence their children in any way they can. What do you think?


I agree we do need to start our podcast. I understand you are working all day which sucks, but we will work through it, we always do! haha. I think that's a good idea you can go and then I will. I think your topic is good. I have always stuck with why we recycle, but I am running out of ideas I feel. The podcast is challenging to me and I can't even begin to figure out Audacity. I have been working on this stuff most of the day and also we need to discuss our revisions for the inspiration map. We need to further our ideas for the whole entire project and really focus on what we want to do.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

hey Brynn,

I figured since you will be out of town this weekend that we get our podcast done earlier than later. I thought that you would talk about your recycling stuff and then I would talk about mine. I'm not quite sure what your focus is on recycling but mine is methods that can be used in the classroom that the students can work with. Let me know if you have any ideas :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

this is the url to our google document:

and this is the google maps url:
Hey Brynn I just got the document. If you would like I'm pretty sure I figured out how to make the map. I think we just need to put the location of the school in kalamazoo and then the school in sandusky. And if we wanted to, maybe put recycling centers that are close to both areas. But I am pretty sure that is all we need. Have you heard from Kalani? I have not seen her comment on our blog in a while and was wondering if she was still in the class.
I can't see the document. Am I suppose to see it in my document page on my own gmail account?

Google Document.

I need to know if either of you guys can see the google document about recycling I created? If not, then we need to find out how. It is short and sweet but it needs to be edited by both of you two, then we have to figure out the maps portion. Please let me know asap if either of you can see the document, or if you guys even got the invite via gmail?
How are we supposed to make the video, and where are we supposed to post it? And is that an individual assignment or a group one?
For the movie maker project I will stick with my theme of why we recycle. I thought we were supossed to share this with the rest of the group. For our google assignment I still have no idea what to do. I went to google documents and made a new one and added your names but I haven't created anything.
I think that it's a good idea. I was thinking along the same terms as you are. But I am still very confused on this entire project. How are we supposed to find an exact school grade and class to communicate with? And I too don't understand the google document/map thing. I'm very lost! :(
So have we decided on what we are going to do? Do you guys think it is a bad idea to talk about two different regions and compare recycling? I mean I am still confused on what we are doing especially when it comes to the maps part. Hopefully we can figure this out.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Pen Pal assignment

Do either of you guys understand our next group assignment due on Sunday? I'm a little confused.